Booking Now For Summer Lessons!! Prime spots Always go fast!! Flexible times, daytime and evening spots available Learn how to play a new instrument!! Enroll your child in music lessons, at an unbeatable price!! ALL Into Programs On ALL Instruments $60.00 (All Intro programs include 3 lessons, and instructional book) We off music lessons...
UncategorizedSummer Music Lessons – Registration Now On!!

Booking Now For Summer Lessons!!
Prime spots Always go fast!!
Flexible times, daytime and evening spots available
Learn how to play a new instrument!!
Enroll your child in music lessons, at an unbeatable price!!
ALL Into Programs On ALL Instruments $60.00
(All Intro programs include 3 lessons, and instructional book)
We off music lessons in:
- Guitar
- Piano
- Drum set
- Voice
- Violin
- Woodwinds
- Percussion
- Music Theory
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